Saturday, March 29, 2014

Once Upon A Time...

ONCE UPON A TIME, a much younger twenty-something girl named Deb used to write two blogs. One, a great, fun crafty blog named Pink Petunia Designs which was Deb's first experiment with her blogging career along with selling her crafty creations. Then one day she and one of her bestest and oldest of friends, Kim, had this uncanny and fleeting idea to begin a recipe sharing blog called Cowgirls and Cupcakes. It was great and fun for awhile, but as all interests go that are not your absolute true passion, these blogs slowly fell to the side and became obsolete. Deb and Kim got busy. Kids needed tending to and so did their husbands as well as their huge laundry piles and messy houses. Work came and went, family and school obligations... life got in the way of their blogging project. Deb sought refuge and started another blog called Mama Needs A Latte (because Deb always needs a latte - more on that later) in order to record all of those mommy moments that she so wanted to capture, and again, this sat vacant month-after-month. Frustrated, Deb had to take a break and decide where she wanted to place her time and effort. She was a woman on a mission with tried-and-true grit and a little bit of stubborn resolve. She really loved blogging and photography and social media and kids and women's success and business and books and....(as you can see, Deb has some major A.D.D., but she also had great intentions and a whole lot of passion for life) She started really trying to follow her true passions and forget the rest of the unnecessary fluff that she really didn't care about.

One day on a whim, with possibly too much caffeine and a little bit of true cowgirl moxie, Deb started a Facebook group called One Tough Cupcake. This group was about fitness for women who weren't athletes or pros, just regular gals trying to get fit and go at their own pace figuring out their place in this crazy life as women and moms and wives and girlfriends. This group quickly grew to sixty women and became a place for Deb to post and video-blog her little heart out. People said she was good at this and really needed to get back to writing and video-blogging again and so...Deb came back full circle to one of her original blogs, Cowgirls and Cupcakes, and dumped all the other useless junk and started blogging again about being Deb, being creative, being a mom, being a wife, being a school librarian, a PTA president, a small business owner, being an awesome-modern-day-kick-ass woman, coffee, art, books, food, family, friends, kids, style, photography, vintaging, fitness, wellness, accomplishing, coaching, enjoying...basically all the stuff that Deb really IS passionate about, you know, LIFE!!!! And no, she didn't care that she had run-on sentences that her old English teacher would totally scoff at. She started her sentences with prepositions and put commas in the wrong places, and guess what, it was natural and fluid and the posts were real and noteworthy and sometimes they even made it to the Sacramento Moms Blog where Deb is now a regular contributor.  And so, as happy Debs go, she smiled, kicked up her cowgirl boots and petticoat, sipped her latte and smiled that she had moved on to a new audacious adventure once again. And as all great stories and adventures go, there will be ups-and-downs, happiness and heartaches along the way.

So welcome back to the new and improved Cowgirls and Cupcakes blog where Deb covers well... EVERYTHING that she finds fascinating about living life as a modern-day cowgirl who still embraces the frosting and the sprinkles along the way.

Oh sorry, I guess I better finish the story...

As for Deb, she of course lives happily ever after and is still embracing her tough, cowgirl-moxie while wearing her vintage apron and decorating her cupcakes with pink frosting and glittered sprinkles. And you will be happy to know that she has many great adventures still to come...


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